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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ROSE PEKOE +crescent & star 30
RR +sun & crescent 7
RRI +ball & crescent 28
crescent 28
S +crescent 5, 7, 9
S PM +crescent 3
S star +crescent 24
crescent 1
S.M.S.C. MARK +crescent 6
S.S. +crescent star & man 34
S.S. special +crescent star 3
S.T +crescent star & man 34
SA SHAKUN +crescent 21
SAFFRON MOON +crescent 35, 38, 41
SAMBA AL KHAIR +crescent 9, 16, 35, 36
SANSI +bird crescent & star 12
SATYA MOON +oval & crescent 3
SBUT +building crescent sta 37
SBUT +buildings & crescent 36
SCOPE +crescent 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32
SENTRUM +crescent 35, 36, 37
SH +sun crescent & star 35
crescent 34
SHREE NAKODA MOON +crescent 21
crescent 34
SLUMBER +circle & crescent 20
SNIDER +crescent 25
SONY +crescent 16
SOPHIE NOELL sn +crescent 3
SS +crescent star & man 34
SS +triangle & crescent 37, 39
crescent 34
SS KARA gul +crescent & sta 3
crescent 3
STAR MOON +crescent & star 7
STUDD +crescent 25
SUN-WIN +oval & crescent 9
SUNSHINE +crescent 10
SUNTOP +crescent 32
SUPERFINE +crescent 4
SVT BISMI +crescent & star 30
SWEET DREAMS +crescent face 24
crescent 9
SWI WIZARDS +crescent & sta 28
crescent 25
TARANGAN +crescent & stars 42
TECHI +crescent 7
TEEN PRAHAR +stars crescent 41
TEER CHAND +crescent arrows 34
TERMENOL +hut & crescent 5
TERROZA +star & crescent 2
crescent 25
THREAD CRAFT +crescent 35
TIME fresh +crescent 29
TOREX +crescent & swastika 7, 9
TOREX +crescent & swastikas 17
TOREX +swastika & crescent 7
crescent 17
TRAKADOOM +crescent 41
TREND-vi.com +crescent & do 19
TRIPLE-D +ovals & crescent 7
TSCHAN +cross & crescent 7, 12, 17
TWINKLE TWINKLE +crescent 20
TWO STARS +stars & crescent 34
crescent 24
ULAMA +star & crescent 24
UMRAA brand +crescent & sta 24
USMAN +crescent & star 24
VALIAN-X +crescent 5
VARNAM +peacock & crescent 41
VELASAA +bird crescent oval 24
VIR +fist & crescent 7
VITAPLUS +crescent 3
VMG +crescent 41
VSA +crescent ovals squares 9
WARSI +crescent & stars 34
crescent 18
XSIS +crescent & arc 6, 7
YOU YES +crescent 25
YS YINSEL +crescent 7
YUAN LONG PING +crescent 31
ZAITUN +woman star crescent 34
ZEME +crescent & circle 25
ZET.COM +crescent & circle 41
ZQA +circle & crescent 42
ad MANTRA +crescent & circl 16
allama +crescent & star 24
animal & crescent 9, 33
arrows & crescent 35
b +crescent & square 12
better deals +crescent 35
bright +sun & crescent 3
c ONEILL +crescent 18
carbo CHAND +crescent 34
cdc +crescent 12
chand tata +crescent & star 3
circle crescent & circle 7
circle crescent triangle 9
circles & crescent 28
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